Web app's

Public IP address.

Public IP address:

Reverse DNS: ec2-3-137-164-254.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com

How does it work.

Every connection from IPv4 capable device to Internet ( except device that allready has assigned public IP address ) is translated to public IP address. It means that local IP address ( private ) is translated to public IP address by ISP provider when connection is made to Internet by routers. It is called NAT - Network Address Translation ( private IP addresses are not routable within Internet and usually are not accessible directly from Internet - except port redirection/forwarding ). When connection for example from web browser reaches web serwer it allready has translated private IP address to public IP address by ISP provider. What you see on this site is your public IP address. If you want to know private IP address of your device usually for windows you can run 'cmd' and type 'ipconfig' and press enter or to know more information 'ipconfig /all' , for linux you can type in console 'ip a' ( iproute2 collection ) or 'ifconfig'.

More info:
IP address here
Private networks here
Network Address Translation - NAT here

Proxy connection.

If you are using proxy server to connect to Internet from web browser usually 'X-Forwarded-For' header contains address information for originating IP address - which generally is your public IP address. Free web proxy server list can be found in any search engine but have to be used with caution.
More info:
Proxy server here

Web app's
